Promoting cultural diversity and tolerance among children and teens

image055JMP–L partnered with two other NGOs recently to promote peace and tolerance among children and teenagers.

“Awlad” summer activity
From 3–12 July 2008, children from the community were sent to the “Awlad” summer activity, organized by “Les Enfants du Siècle,” which promoted cultural diversity and coexistence among children from different communities.
Follow-up to “Sawa 2” project
As a continuation of the “Sawa 2” project of August 2007, JMP–L cooperated again with the local NGO Peace Initiatives in August 2008, allowing 25 adolescents aged 13–16 to join a group of Lebanese and Palestinian, Christian and Muslim children during a series of activities themed “Communication and Peace.”image053
This project, called “Liqa’at lil-tawasol,” aimed at promoting peace, tolerance and coexistence. It sought to give youth the tools to better express their identity, and understand and accept the differences that surround them, through recreational and artistic activities as well as interactive lessons.

Besides JMP–L, the project involved the Franco-Palestinian Friendship House (MAFPA) and the Haret Hreik Municipality.

The program included workshops and outings.

Participants were divided into three regional groups that met for three workshops (held August 12, 19 and 26) in the JMP–L center in Bourj Hammoud, the Haret Hreik City Hall, and the MAFPA center in Beddawi. The workshops included peace education classes, and sessions on the main theme of the next day’s outing.

Three outings were held (August 13, 20 and 27) to different areas of the country, each with a specific theme:
  • Deir el Qamar: “Interfaith Encounters”
  • Mar Mekhayel Train Station: “Exploring Identity”
  • Batroun: “Connecting”
During the outings, the youth groups presented activities prepared during the workshops:
  • Clips: Short interviews done by the youngsters with each other on “Connecting to the Other.”
  • Performances: Each group interpreted an identity through a sketch.
  • Vox-Pop: Man-on-the-street interviews on “Connecting to Others.”