Through a comprehensive approach, JMP–L offers social and medical services, provides economic and spiritual assistance, and implements development programs.

Partnering with other Armenian and non-Armenian governmental and non-governmental organizations, we particularly work to address the needs of disadvantaged and socially vulnerable Armenian individuals, families and communities, especially those who are:

  • Poor, with no or limited income.
  • Elderly and handicapped with no social security coverage or pension support and sometimes in need of institutional placement or even burial arrangements.
  • Children of working mothers with limited income.
  • Sick, especially with chronic illnesses, who need hospitalization and medical exams, and who have no medical insurance or social security coverage.
  • In need of affordable housing.
  • In need of vocational training or job placements.
  • In need of empowerment, economic development, spiritual uplift, and other developmental needs.

With the help and commitment of licensed and experienced social workers, educators, health consultants, accountants and administrators, we provide a range of services and programs including:

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Community Health

Learn about our medication dispensing, assistance for hospitalization and medical expenses, institutional placement, and other medical services.

Social Services

We offer counseling, cash assistance, and other social services to selected families, children, elderly and people with special needs.

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Empowerment programs for women and teenage girls, activities with children and youth, recreational events in the community, and other projects fostering community development.


Affordable housing for vulnerable families.

Other Programs

Assistance to Syrian-Armenians and more.