“From poverty and despair to self-sufficiency and hope”

The above words are part of JMP–L’s mission statement, which has inspired for more than 45 years the work of our organization, including our health-related projects, social and family services, and development programs aimed at needy families in the Lebanese-Armenian community.

Guided by the spirit of the above-mentioned words, we have designed a series of workshops and meetings on managing stress, a problem which, if not properly dealt with, can lead to various other diseases as well as physical, behavioral, psychological and mental problems.

We have decided to launch this program taking into consideration the importance of the issue, and based on the feedback we have received from interviews conducted with female participants of JMP–L programs.

The workshop series will be implemented with the collaboration of the organization “Development & Beyond” and the Armenian Fund for Health Insurance in Lebanon. Through weekly meetings, the project aims at developing the skills of Armenian women suffering from or prone to stress. By listening to presentations given by professionals, participants will learn about various ways to manage stress in a constructive manner, and will develop skills for solving the problem in its early stages in order not to resort to quick and temporary solutions (such as taking stress-relief pills) but to fight the root causes of the problem through healthy means.

Besides the series of talks, the program will also include practical sessions, including spiritual uplift, physical activity, dance, and breathing exercises.

The meetings will start on April 10, at 10:00 a.m., in the JMP–L center. At the end of the program, five participants will be selected as recipients of special AFHIL Health Club discount cards.

The following topics will be covered during the series of workshop-meetings:

  1. “Definition and Causes of Stress” – Ghida Husseini Oxenboll
  2. “Symptoms and Signs of Stress” – Ghida Husseini Oxenboll
  3. “How Does Stress Develop and What Can Happen if it is not Managed or Dealt With” – Dr. Maral D. Boyadjian
  4. “Stress-relief Medicines and their Side-effects” – Dr. Maral D. Boyadjian
  5. “The Effects of Stress on the Human Body: Stress Management Methods” – Ghida Husseini Oxenboll
  6. “Psychological Stress (Behavioral Changes, Family Problems, Communication with Children, etc.)” – Ghida Husseini Oxenboll
  7. “Spiritual Approaches to Deal with Stress” – Father Sarkis Sarkissian
  8. “Conflict Resolution” – Mrs. Louisa Baboyan-Azezian
  9. “Understanding the Psychology of our Children and the Kinds of Stress they Face” – Mrs. Natalie Der Sahagian-Ayvazian
  10. “Female Hormonal System and Stress” – Dr. Kohar Vartanian-Keshishian
  11. “The Sexual Health of the Family” – Dr. Kohar Vartanian-Keshishian
  12. “Menopause and Stress: Are they Directly Related to Each Other? Different Cultural Perspectives” – Miss Lucie Sagherian

Read a longer Armenian version of this article published in The Aztag Daily.